Sunday, December 12, 2010

my holiday part 1-KUALA LUMPUR


juz wanna share something..
with u and u !

hari tu my mak long ajak gi KL
so i pun dgn hati yg seronok okay2!

gud idea..jeng2..
sbb bowink kot..
anyway bley skip working for a while hehe (evil face)

then,mak long pun kata..
ok mak long book ticket flight eh?

tapi kena dtg sowang cuz tok ada byk kenduri..
me: errrk...alone? naik flight?...
OKEH! new experience what..

so selama 1 hour duk atas airplana tuh..hihi
borak2 nan MAK CIK sebelah..

hihi.naik firefly jer..


1) Firstly..mak long House!
jumpa sofi,emil,nael.all of them my sweet cousin..

best oww..
ada flying fox..!
adventure gler!

haa..nih time tgh siap2

haha..abaikan..mcm lawak cket actually..

p/s : penat sgt2..dan i makan byk taw sbb lapar !

3)Wangsa Walk..
hang out with them..

okeh..tgk movie rapunzel in 3D!
cantik siot gmba dia!
kat kedah tada..sian kan?

best! then guess wat?
mak long ajak gi karoke.haha

aku nih..blehlar setakat nyanyi ABC..
chewah ! Taylor Swift kalah oww..

bak kata DIA..huhu my amazing guy..hihi our room.. tittle for this !

4)makan time!
BBQ chicken restaurant..

sgt sedap..saia makan banyak' becoming bigger!sowi darling !

oily luxury chicken..nyummy!

whoa..! happy family! my paklong,maklong,emil,sofi,and little nael..

5)MID Valley..

hihi..last but not least..before going back..
me,sofi,emil n mak intan..
smpt gi shopping kat sini..


mmg cantikk!
and also the price msti la cantik jugekk an?

huhu,..for 1st time i ta beli byk brg sgt haha


mahal doe..
juz cuci mata jer..
hehe..merry christmas!

this is the items that i bought..cket jer..
except that purse and my phone tu yer..

okayy..thats all about my holiday!

my flight 7pm to alor star!

welcome home!!